

  Every summer I go to Viña del Mar with my three best friends, it's a tradition that we have had for 3 years. We usually go for like a month due to my friend has an apartment there. This year with the Coronavirus I'm not sure if we can make the trip because I think that going to these places where there are crowds of people is a risk of contracting this disease and I do not want to put my family in danger. Anyways, if this situation ends soon we would definitely do it. I love swimming in the sea and taking sun so   that's why we would spent hours in the beach. Also, my friends really like going to the craft fairs, I didn't like it very much because they are always full of people, the only thing I like about them is that they sell the best "churros", so going there would be one of the first things I would do.  The most fun part about this beach I think that is going to discotheques at night, we regularly meet more friends there and we dance together all night.

My favorite series

  I’m currently watching Malcolm in the Middle for second time, and I think I could say that’s my favorite series so far. Mainly because the stories of each chapter are very simple but at the same time so entertaining, and also becase the awesome characters of the family, that make you really love them and laugh. I have to say that Dewey it’s definitely my favorite character of the family, since the episode when he has a purse and hits the bullies with it. For me it’s the kind of serie that you can watch a thousands time and never get bored, laughing like the fist time you watch it.   Actually I don’t have a favorite kind of series that I like, I can see any kind of series while it doesn’t have science fiction or fantasy in it. I don’t know what it’s about them that bored me so much and found them eternal. I have never finish even one season of this kind of series. One series that has been recommended to me a lot and I haven’t seen yet is Breaking Bad, I think one of the reasons that I


  Actually, since my career have so many areas to work with, I don’t know yet what I want to do for my future, but I think something related to a public organization that relates with the society directly, to be able to interact and share with different people and help them from the public administration area and been able to make a real change.   On my future work I wouldn’t mind working indoors or outdoor, but if I have the opportunity, it would be amazing to find a job that can be able to do both, having some administrative work, and also some   work outside to visit different places and know different realities. On my work I would love to travel, to learn new thing in different places, then applied them on my area of work to innovate with ideas and make better decisions. So I could acquire more knowledge to improve even more the daily life for the citizen, carrying the institution to progress. As for the salary, I would like to earn enough money to have an economic stability and be

My favorite movie

I have to say that I really love animated movies, and I enjoy watching them a lot, but my favorite one is Shrek. It’s a movie that I like since I was little, but with the time I like it even more, mostly because is so funny and has a lot of hidden messages that really make me laugh. It’s the kind of movies that you could watch a thousand times and never get bored, so I definitely have an awesome time watching it. Beside I think all the characters are amazing, there is definitely not single one that’s not funny. And also the songs the movie has in the end are amazing in Shrek 1 and Shrek 2.  Im not really a fan of movies, I prefer series, because my concentration doesn’t last much so I get bored really quickly. Moreover I like animated movies I prefer thriller movies, because are the kind of movies that keep you expectant because you know that any time something is going to happen.  The last movie I saw was The First Purge, I think its the last one of the saga The Purge, and it’s a preq

My best holidays ever

Actually, I really enjoy travelling and I have been to some wonderful places on my vacations, but by far my best and favorite holidays was when I went to Orlando and Miami in 2017 with my family.  We went for 2 weeks. Most of the time we stay at Orlando to be able to visit the parks of Disneyland and Universal Studios, and we spent the rest of our days in Miami, having on both places the most wonderful time ever.  We visit almost every park in Orlando, and my favorite one was Disney´s Animal Kingdom Theme Park because I was able to saw animals in their natural habitat, and also in this park were all this amazing things of the Lion King film which is one of my favorites movies, so I bough some souvenirs to remember that moment, in fact I have them until today. And in Miami we did a lot of shopping, toured, visited the Little Havana, but we didn't went to the beach because almost all days were rainy. These vacations were like a dream come true, because since I was little I wanted to


It’s very difficult to only chose one country to travel because I really enjoy travelling. I have many destines on my mind, but one of my dreams it’s to go to Southeast Asian, so I’m going to pick Maldivas.  Actually, I really don’t know much about the country, their culture, economies, policy or their traditions. I only know about the tourism of the country, meanly because for a long time I have been seen on the internet and social medias a lot of photos and videos about how heavenly are the Maldives Islands, the  crystalline water  and all the amazing things you can do there.  I would like to go on my own only to tour and relax, like an alone trip to really known me better, not to study, work or to live there, because despite it’s an amazing destination and a beautiful place I plan to develop my life in Chile.  If I could go there, I would love to visit some islands, connect with the nature, see all the animals in their natural habitat, dive and of course see the sea of stars.  I rea