Actually, since my career have so many areas to work with, I don’t know yet what I want to do for my future, but I think something related to a public organization that relates with the society directly, to be able to interact and share with different people and help them from the public administration area and been able to make a real change. 

On my future work I wouldn’t mind working indoors or outdoor, but if I have the opportunity, it would be amazing to find a job that can be able to do both, having some administrative work, and also some  work outside to visit different places and know different realities.

On my work I would love to travel, to learn new thing in different places, then applied them on my area of work to innovate with ideas and make better decisions. So I could acquire more knowledge to improve even more the daily life for the citizen, carrying the institution to progress.

As for the salary, I would like to earn enough money to have an economic stability and be able to support myself and my cat, so I don’t ask too much. 

I’m currently on my second year of public administration, and I would love to continue studding because it’s something I really enjoy, but like I said before I really doesn’t know which area I want to specialize, so I’m going to keep looking until I find something of my interest. 


  1. hello valentina, i agree with you, i think it is important to have a job independent of whether you work indoors or outdoors, the best thing would be to have the opportunity to travel and work at the same time.
    i am glad you like pets, i hope you can find a job that suits your needs, regards

  2. Hello Valentina, I find your way of thinking about your future work very interesting. I think you will be a great help in the area in which you decide to dedicate yourself.


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