My favorite series

 I’m currently watching Malcolm in the Middle for second time, and I think I could say that’s my favorite series so far. Mainly because the stories of each chapter are very simple but at the same time so entertaining, and also becase the awesome characters of the family, that make you really love them and laugh. I have to say that Dewey it’s definitely my favorite character of the family, since the episode when he has a purse and hits the bullies with it. For me it’s the kind of serie that you can watch a thousands time and never get bored, laughing like the fist time you watch it. 

Actually I don’t have a favorite kind of series that I like, I can see any kind of series while it doesn’t have science fiction or fantasy in it. I don’t know what it’s about them that bored me so much and found them eternal. I have never finish even one season of this kind of series.

One series that has been recommended to me a lot and I haven’t seen yet is Breaking Bad, I think one of the reasons that I haven’t seen this series yet it’s because I don’t want to see Hal as a drug dealer :(, for me it’s the funny dad of Malcolm. Anyway when I have time I’m definitely going to watch it, so I’m not going to miss it. 


  1. Hi Valentina, Malcon in the middle is an incredible series, I haven't seen it for a long time but I remember how good it is and how much fun I had watching it.
    And you have to see Breaking Bad! seriously, it's a very good series, I'm sure you'll love it, and even though this time Hal is a totally different character, you'll love Walter White because he's a genius.

  2. Hi Valentina! Malcom entertains me and now that it is on Amazon Prime I have returned to see some chapters, since it is the best for when I want to laugh for a while. That chapter is one of my favorites hehe.

  3. Hi Valentina, I always watched Malcolm on Canal 13 hahaha, but I never managed to finish it. And please watch Breaking Bad, I'm sure you won't regret it.


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