It’s very difficult to only chose one country to travel because I really enjoy travelling. I have many destines on my mind, but one of my dreams it’s to go to Southeast Asian, so I’m going to pick Maldivas. 

Actually, I really don’t know much about the country, their culture, economies, policy or their traditions. I only know about the tourism of the country, meanly because for a long time I have been seen on the internet and social medias a lot of photos and videos about how heavenly are the Maldives Islands, the crystalline water and all the amazing things you can do there. 

I would like to go on my own only to tour and relax, like an alone trip to really known me better, not to study, work or to live there, because despite it’s an amazing destination and a beautiful place I plan to develop my life in Chile. 

If I could go there, I would love to visit some islands, connect with the nature, see all the animals in their natural habitat, dive and of course see the sea of stars. 

I really hope to go there one day.  


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